Monday, September 17, 2012

Crazy, Stupid...Fantastic!!

I want to start having a a reflection part of my week/month with my blog. I feel like this will help me to stay up with my blog, since ...let's be real...its hard for me to do!  I want to start with 3 words to describe the week.

This week could be described two different ways...either horrible, sad and bummed OR and my most preferred way to describe it crazy, stupid and fantastic! 

Monday I hurt my knee in a volleyball alumni game. I coach at my old high school and thought it would be very fun to get a bunch of us old volleyball players that graduated (from all different years) and play against the current varsity team as a fundraiser for the program. I got a lot of response and excitement about the idea. All of us alumni were worried and making jokes about getting hurt, mainly regarding our old injuries. During our warm ups we do some digging (defensive passing if you aren't up with volleyball lingo), some hitting and lastly serving. During hitting lines is when my injury occurred. I went up to hit and came down funny on my knee.  It buckled right underneath me. After my friend, our school athletic trainer, checked it out and did some treatment on it, I buckled it again. Unaware of how knee injuries go seeing as I've never had one, I didn't/don't know maneuver very well considering.  So I went off with crutches, a beauty of a knee brace and some doctor's numbers which she highly recommended. I am still waiting on an MRI (tomorrow) but the consensus is that I tore my ACL. What the what!?!?!?! Not impressed!!! 

So to sum up the week....

Crazy- I truly love working out, so I'm not crazy out of shape. And doing something (like hitting) I was used to doing a million and a half times not too long ago, I get hurt. I mean I really haven't been out of the volleyball scene that long!!!

Stupid- How I felt/feel about the situation still. Knowing that it will be a longer recovery than I really wanted/hoped for is still hard for me to cope with. I feel a little silly having to re-learn how to do the simple things (i.e. showering, laundry, getting dressed, etc). 

Fantastic- With every hard time there is a little gleam of brightness. I have always appreciated my family and husband (even if I don't show it), but this has truly shown me their love for me. They are willing to take me anywhere I want, get anything I need and help keep me sane. I don't know how I would do this on my own and honestly I'm so happy I don't have to!!! 

This whole situation reminds me of a quote I love and have held onto for a while without completely understanding the meaning. "A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Almost summertime

It's almost summertime in the valley, my favorite time of year! This week I'm finishing up my spring term at Oregon State University, with only 8 more credits to graduate! WHOOO HOOO! I can see the light!! That means this summer, after my summer classes, gets to be dedicated to volleyball, crafting, baking and organizing....oh yeah and work. ;) I get excited about these few things because they are my favorite hobbies! 

On my list to do....

1.) Can't wait to hang these in my kitchen
2.) This would be oh so cute in our bedroom
3.) This needs to be done before the 4th of July
4.) Would LOVE these for my kitchen and gifts
5.) So need to do this
6.) LOVE this for my living room
7.) This would be so nice to get stuff off the bathroom counter
8.) For keys
9.) Drapes for the living room
10.) For the kitchen

And this doesn't even begin to show all the fun baking I wanna do. That will be a later post with mouth-watering pictures! 

<3 Whit

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Watermelon Cleanse Update!

This is one of my favorite cleanses so far! I only did one day of the full watermelon cleanse, then cut back to the light style. My reasoning for this wasn't because I felt tired or hungry, but purely the lack of prep time I had. With this cleanse you need lots of prep time to cut watermelon, especially because you eat so much at each sitting. With school and work, I don't have the time right now to prep. I plan on doing this cleanse again when I have more time, maybe a weekend or maybe after I finish with school! 

<3 Whit

Monday, June 4, 2012

Watermelon Diet/Cleanse

Hi all! I have a problem...I LOVE FOOD!! I love baking, cooking and eating ;). Today I'm writing about my start of the Healthy Watermelon Diet or Cleanse. ( .  I have been looking for a cleanse that seems reasonable. I have tried a couple in the past that were purely liquid with no eating, let me tell you how much I missed chewing! I couldn't hack it for very long. I was inspired by a friend on Facebook to try this one. I love watermelon and being able to have the sensation to chew will help me stick with it.

Along with the cleanse, I will stick with my normal workout regiment. I love working out and getting my sweat on, so that part of being healthy is easy for me.

I know this cleanse won't be a lifestyle change, but I hope it can get me on the right track with eating healthy, I need a jump start in that area. I plan to do the cleanse for 3-5 days. Wish me luck!

<3 Whit